Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Going on a Picnic

The weather has been so nice lately, and what better way to enjoy the weather than going on a picnic. Although, someone has to prepare everything so what are the kids going to do? My suggestion make the kids part of the process and keep them busy while you get everything together.

Make a Grocery List Supplies: Grocery Ads, paper, glue, pencil
Talk together about what you would like to bring on a picnic and then see if they can find pictures of them in some grocery ads. Glue the pictures to a piece of paper if they are old enough they can copy the words and write it under the picture. Then when you go to the store bring the list along and have the kids look for the items with you.

Sack Lunch Bag Supplies: small paper bags, crayons, markers

While you are putting together sandwiches and everything else. Have the kids make a paper bag to put their lunch in. Either have them write their name on it or you write their name, then have them use crayons and markers to draw pictures or design a pattern on the bag. Then when you are having your picnic everyone will easily know who's sandwiches are who's.

Picnic Organization The first picnic of the season write down a list of everything that you brought and put it in your picnic basket so you can quickly gather supplies. This will lessen the hassle of trying to remember everything for the next picnic. You can also add the kids grocery list so they will have their lists for the next picnic also.

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