Well I have been away for a little while but I haven't been doing nothing. One thing I have been working on is organizing my closets. I love looking at other peoples organization pictures so that is why I am sharing mine. My hall closet was a disaster I didn't take a before picture so you will just have to trust me. Here is a picture of the new and improved closet:

The pictures are not the greatest but I goal is to have anyone that opens the closet to clearly know where everything is. My parents often stay over night and this is where extra blankets, pillows,
toiletries are stored. I would like guests to feel comfortable getting what they need, as well as have my husband clearly see where everything is so he doesn't have to ask me continually,
yay! I think that I need to have labels perhaps another project in the future.
I have been doing other things but I will post about them later.
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